Please come into our offices to get a free children's resource pack. It includes useful resources as well as fun recipe books, Kittycat reading books and more!
Naitre et Grandir (translated to: Born and Growing) offers a reliable English-language source of information validated by health professionals. Their site supports parents in the development of their child.
Caring for kids offers information for parents from paediatricians from the Canadian Pediatric Society. Information includes topics such as: Pregnancy and babies, safety and injury prevention, healthy living (food and nutrition, healthy habits, physical activity), behaviour and development, mental health, health conditions and treatments, immunization, preteens and teens.
Tooth brushing in children age 6 and under with fluoride toothpaste - Parent's guide. See here.
My child was confronted with a traumatic event - an information tool for parents whose child was confronted with a traumatic event, especially a disaster. It presents specifics on reactions observed in children, information on post-traumatic stress disorder, ways to help your child, and how to recognize when to consult the available resources. See here.
From Tiny Tot to Toddler is a guide provided free of charge, published by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), designed to help you make the best decisions for you and your baby. Sections include pregnany, delivery, baby, feeding your child, health, family, useful information.
Birth Injury Center is an advocacy centre whose mission is to assist anyone who has been affected by injuries of this nature. See their website for information and resources to overcome birth injuries.